The Successful Woman: Leadership and Legacy Program

The Successful Woman: Leadership and Legacy program is an exclusive and unique professional development opportunity for you to benefit from the expertise and experience of senior women leaders in all sectors of the global economy.

If you are an “only” woman leader – the only woman in your professional or personal network who has achieved your level of success – and you are experiencing / feeling:

  • Imposter syndrome (feeling unworthy or feeling like a “fraud”)
  • Isolation / loneliness (being the only woman in their network who had achieved their level of success)
  • Inauthenticity (feeling pressure to “behave like a man” to maintain or advance their career position)

and you want to

  • Increase your self-belief and self-confidence
  • Find clarity regarding what’s truly important – personally and professionally
  • Prioritize self-reflection, self-care, and care for family without guilt

then this program is for you!

Here’s what’s included:

4.5 hours of expert-led VIDEO TRAINING to help you stand out and build your legacy
  • Learn how to build a customized image roadmap that will maximize your impact every time you meet a potential client, partner, or employer
  • Explore aspects of legacy you may never have conceived and learn how they interconnect to make you a stronger, more compassionate leader
  • Discover the “secret sauce” that links the two together!
  • Comprehensive workbook – worksheets for all exercises seen in the videos and all training slides are included for your convenience and future reference


3.5 hours of facilitated MASTERMIND
  • Work through your unique challenge during a facilitated mastermind session
  • Work closely with a mastermind partner to create an action plan to overcome your challenge
  • Leverage built-in accountability + 6-month check-in with course organizer
Finally get the breakthrough you’ve been looking for—from professional development to personal growth and beyond!


The Successful Woman: Leadership and Legacy
Video Training

Stand Out with Purpose: First Impressions for Lasting Influence

Executive Image Expert Sylvie di Giusto

reveals the most important aspect of your first impression and teaches you how to craft that impression so that you maximize your chances of being asked to serve as a leader and succeed in that role.

To watch a brief video that shows what you’ll learn in this training, click the “Learn More” button below.

Legacy Panel

Carla Sorey-Reed, Tanya Pein, and Dr. Erma Manoncourt

discuss the personal, financial, and philanthropic elements of legacy.  Learn what these aspects of legacy mean, how they intertwine, and how they influence your leadership abilities.

To watch a brief video that represents what you’ll learn in this training, click the “Learn More” button below.


The Successful Woman:
“Real-time” Virtual Mastermind Session

“Real-time” Virtual Mastermind

Mastermind is defined as the “coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.”

During our virtual mastermind, you’ll be able to tap into the power of this process with like-minded women who are currently / have already traveled the road you are navigating and are willing to share how they are handling / have handled the obstacles found along the way.

Examples of a life balance challenge you may wish to address during the session include eldercare, single parenting, chronic fatigue, and other health/wellness self-care issues that hinder your ability to be the best leader possible – at home, at work, and in your community.


Register Today!

Whether you’re a private individual or a corporate training manager, contact us today for program details.

If you’re ready to sign up now, click HERE.

About US

Our Story

The Successful Woman is the Wells International Foundation’s signature International Women’s Day event.  This two-day international conference / retreat, which is the source of the Leadership and Legacy training videos, offers a safe environment where you can meet other highly-accomplished women from across the globe and explore the challenges and questions of balancing professional leadership roles with expectations in your personal life.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is this training for me?

This training is for you if you’re interested in learning:

  • Why the first impression you make is critical to your ability to influence and lead.
  • How you can deliberately shape the first impression you make so it works to your best advantage.
  • How legacy encompasses more than financial means.
  • Why viewing your life in terms of legacy can impact your actions and influence as a leader.
What am I going to learn?

From Stand Out with Purpose: First Impressions for Lasting Influence, you’ll learn about the ABCDs of the initial imprint you make on others as a leader, how to decide what that imprint should be, and how you can control it so that it works to your best advantage.

From the Legacy Panel, you’ll learn how to identify and curate your personal stories, how to begin exploring ways to align your financial investments with your personal values, and how to distinguish between acts of philanthropy and acts of charity.  You’ll see how these intertwine to create your legacy as a woman leader.

What will I experience during the mastermind?

You and your fellow participants will come together for a real-time, professionally facilitated mastermind session on Zoom. Over a 3.5-hour period, you will share stories and complete exercises that will lead you to clarity about a question / problem / challenge that you have not been able to address and identify actions you can take to resolve it.

Even more importantly, you’ll have the opportunity to establish relationships with like-minded women that you’ll be able to draw upon long after the mastermind session is complete.

How are the videos delivered?

The videos are uploaded on a dedicated Web platform.  You can access them with the password provided by your company.

For how long can I access the training videos?

You will have 180 days from the time you receive your access code to download the training videos for lifetime access.

What support materials come with the training?

The video training comes with a comprehensive workbook and five complementary, pre-recorded Webinars that enhance the information presented in the training: 

Why First Impressions Are So Important
Leadership Ladders
The Truth about Climbing the Ladder and What It Means for Sustainable Success
A Radical Act of Leadership
The Power of the Mastermind


Do I need to complete the video training prior to participating in the mastermind session?

You are strongly encouraged to complete the video training prior to the mastermind session to receive maximum value from the experience. 

However, you can participate in the mastermind prior to completing the video training.

Contact Us Today!

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