COVID-19 PAGES Featured Artist – LIZZIE LAU

Lizzie Lau is a single mom, Web designer, and travel writer/blogger and photographer.  She is also co-owner of GS & Company, a retail furniture store in Semiahmoo Shopping Centre on the Surrey/White Rock border in British Columbia, Canada.

GS & Company sells a large selection of original art and limited-edition prints, and has an in-house custom framing studio.

Lizzie declares that having her daughter, Vivi, is the best thing she’s ever done, and she’s made certain that travel is an integral part of their lives.  By the time Vivi was nine years old, they had already been on 56 flights and several long road trips, and Vivi had asked Lizzie to set up her own blog!

Lizzie’s contribution to COVID-19 PAGES is called “Vivi Lau Covid Portrait with Birthday Piñata.” Here’s the story behind this work:

“My daughter Vivi turned 10 on April 20, 2020 and was sad that she wouldn’t be able to have a party. She is half Guatemalan, so piñatas have been part of her celebrations since she was a toddler.

“We had an old Angry Birds piñata in the garage, and I decided we would retrofit it into a virus so she could destroy it.

“I took this photo in the driveway while waiting for her BFF’s who were coming to drive through in a car parade to honk and sing and wish her a happy birthday.

“Her cousins came by and took turns whacking the piñata with a hockey stick and screaming about what the pandemic was taking from them.

“Vivi and I are a travel blogging team, and we were supposed to spend the summer in Paris, Barcelona, and Mallorca.  We had been looking forward to meeting up with her siblings who live in Sweden.  I have video of her smashing the virus and screaming, ‘I wanted to go to Paris!’

“At the end of the day she told me it was her best birthday ever.”

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