COVID-19 PAGES Featured Artist – KATIE M. CLARK

Katie M. Clark

Katie M. Clark has been writing poetry and capturing light and shadows in photography since high school. Many of her poems have been published in anthologies. A third-generation photographer, she gets her inspiration from the beauty of North Florida.

Katie’s book entitled “Acceptance of Seasons: Poems Embracing Mental Health” seeks to reach beyond the stigma of mental illness and celebrate mental health through photography and poetry. The poems show her experiences both as a sufferer of mental illness – bipolar disorder – and one who has overcome. They leave the reader with a message of hope — hope that they can live with mental illness and live well.

A member of the Tallahassee Writers Association, Katie has won awards for her poetry and a children’s chapter book.

Katie’s photography has been displayed in many galleries in North Florida, including Tallahassee City Hall, FSU Museum of Fine Arts, and Panama City Center for the Arts.

For COVID-19 PAGES, Katie contributed the photograph entitled “Covid Love.” Here is the story behind her work:

“I created this art, ‘Covid Love,’ as a way to memorialize the current times by having my subject wear a mask. I chose this model to represent all women because she is doing one of the most essential work of women: being a mother.”

To visit COVID-19 PAGES: The Influence & Inspiration of Women, click on the following link:

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