Grace Matthews Featured Artist

Grace Matthews lives in San Diego. She paints, quilts, draws, makes Day of the Dead boxes, dabbles with encaustic, creates ceramics, and does photography and pet memorials. Because of her love for pugs and the many pug images she’s created, she’s been commissioned to paint animal portraits as well.

Grace has enjoyed working on textile commissions like the Peace Quilt, Chuppa, and a project for the Metropolitan’s new Uris Center. She offers a variety of workshops on doll making, quilt making, and boxes. Her artwork is about matters of the heart, beauty, and fun.

Serving as Legendary Artist Faith Ringgold’s assistant since 1994, Grace is currently Vice President of Ringgold’s Anyone Can Fly Foundation. The organization’s mission is to expand the art establishment’s canon to include Master Artists of the African Diaspora.

Grace’s contribution to COVID-19 PAGES is a ceramic work called “Covid-19.” Here’s what she has to say about it:

Living and loving in the time of a pandemic with the Novel COVID-19 virus is life altering.
It changes the air we breathe.
We wear masks to filter it out.
There is science to describe it.
Some of us stay home.
It adds distance to our relationships.
The politicians fight about openings and closings.
It’s real.
It kills.
Stay well.

To visit COVID-19 PAGES: The Influence & Inspiration of Women, click on the following link:


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