COVID-19 PAGES Featured Artist – DAWN KUNKEL

Dawn Kunkel

COVID-19 PAGES Featured Artist – DAWN KUNKEL

Dawn Kunkel began her career as the art guide at Nature’s Way following graduate school at The University of Tennessee in 1998. While working at Nature’s Way, she has exhibited her work at the Brooks Museum in Memphis and San Francisco State University, and she is an active participant/teacher in the Knoxville art community. She has received many awards and is included in the public collections of The Academy of Fine Arts, Poznan, Poland, The Hunter Museum of Art, Chattanooga, TN, and The Mississippi Museum of Art, Jackson, MS. Dawn enjoys teaching art to the diversity of ages and is enthusiastic about bringing the visual arts to the students at Nature’s Way.

Dawn has completed both her Bachelor’s and Master’s of Fine Arts degrees with an emphasis in Printmaking. She has taught art to the children at Nature’s Way Montessori School, has exhibited in a variety of spaces, and is an active participant/teacher of the Knoxville Art Community. She is included in the public collections of The Hunter Museum of Art, Chattanooga, TN, The Mississippi Museum of Art, Jackson, MS. and The Academy of Fine Arts, Poznan, Poland. She also has work in private collections.

Her love of experimenting with a variety of mediums is a hallmark of her artwork. Collectively, she has produced prints, sculptures, collages, and paintings over the years. Most recently, her work has been focusing on painting and watercolor.

Dawn’s Contribution to COVID-19 Pages is a collage called “Days at School.”

Dawn says about the collage she created “I used masks, my daughter’s work, and my watercolor to create this piece. It is actually glued and sewn together on top watercolor paper. It is a recognition of my daughter’s teachers.”

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