What Will Your Legacy Be?

The world will be saved by the Western Woman.
~ the Dalai Lama


 Support Women Leaders – Give Today!

If you are like most of the rest of the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has you in a state of unrest, to say the least.

Women leaders in politics, medicine, and finance are among those “on the front lines” who are being called upon to bring the best of themselves to their work to mitigate the crisis.

Women like Congresswoman Katie Porter, who secured a promise from CDC Director Robert R. Redfield to have the U.S. government provide free virus testing for all Americans, whether or not they are insured.

Or Dr. Jana Broadhurst, director of the Nebraska Biocontainment Unit Clinical Laboratory in Omaha, Nebraska, who spearheaded the development of a test for the virus that is being administered to dozens of local people daily.

Women who run corporate or entrepreneurial businesses are similarly tasked with managing the fears and needs of their teams while keeping projects and programs on track as much as possible.

I daresay that all these women are having difficulty finding time for the self-reflection and self-care required to maximize their ability to stay focused and clear minded when the people they serve feel so anxious and vulnerable.

Not to mention finding time to address their own feelings of vulnerability.

I’m guessing that you are experiencing the same thing.

If you understand the need for strong, compassionate leadership and recognize the importance of legacy, then

I know you appreciate the work WIF is doing to support such women.

They are our best opportunity to create far-reaching and positive change – locally to globally – in a rapidly shifting and increasingly uncertain environment.

Which brings me to YOU AND YOUR LEGACY.

Have you ever stopped to think about the legacy you are building – not only the way you will be remembered by future generations, but also the difference you are making in the world today as we face the advancing spread of the corona virus pandemic?

I borrowed the title of today’s post from a poem written by the late Dr. Margaret Burroughs – artist, educator, and founder, along with her late husband, Charles, of the DuSable Museum of African American History in Chicago. Dr. Burroughs’ poem is inspiring and challenging at the same time.  She invites everyone who reads it “to think and to get to work and identify what you will leave as your legacy.”

Supporting women leaders through WIF can be a part of your legacy.

Your generous donation will sustain and nurture our projects and programs (and the associated support systems and technologies) that have proven to uplift and improve the lives of women who lead today and the girls who are destined to become the leaders of tomorrow.

Click on the button below to give today!

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