Classes Duo Kids Back to School in Knoxville

As reported by Dawn Kunkel, Nature’s Way art teacher
All images courtesy of Dawn Kunkel

Classes Duo students at Nature’s Way Montessori School in Knoxville returned to class on August 6.  They are already working on Beauford Delaney-inspired lessons in preparation for their upcoming visit to Paris in October.

On August 14,  the students met for French class with Kathy Wynegar (who happens to be the grandmother of one of the students in the program).  Kathy reviewed the colors in French and also talked about some of the Impressionist Painters that influenced Beauford.

French lesson with Kathy Wynegar

The students then created a colorful collage with printed fabrics containing Monet’s brushstrokes.  They had fun with this collaborative work.

Making a collage

A few days later, the students enjoyed a STEAM lesson based on Beauford’s interest in music in general and in three artists – Charlie Parker, Marian Anderson, and Ella Fitzgerald – in particular.  First, Dawn gave a brief presentation on each musician to provide a little background for the students.

Learning about Marian AndersonLearning about Marian Anderson

Then the students dove into the STEAM component. Science teacher Matt Hilton gave a presentation on the “science of sound,” speaking about how sound travels, the evolution of the phonograph and record player, and how these inventions work.

Science of Sound 3Matt Hilton demonstrates the mechanics of an early phonograph

Following his talk, the students listened to an album by Ella Fitzgerald. While listening, they were encouraged to draw “the music.” Using pastels, they made several “line” drawings that resembled sound waves.

Drawing Ella Fitzgerald's Music 1Drawing the music of Ella Fitzgerald

For additional images of these lessons, click here: Making Collages and Science and Art of Sound


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