Making Productivity Easy

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Making Productivity Easy (MPE)

The 2019 OPEN State of Women-Owned Business report, commissioned by American Express, classifies the majority of women-owned businesses as “low-revenue companies” and indicates that this status is “… symptomatic of a larger problem.  Some women are struggling to make ends meet and have a part-time company to supplement their income.  They may be single parents caring for a child and cannot afford to outsource childcare.”

In a March 2021 article, The Story Exchange recounts the results of an informal poll of women entrepreneurs who are also parents and caregivers to learn how this specific group of women professionals is faring during the COVID-19 pandemic. Respondents reported taking on the majority of care giving work — unpaid work — in their households.

These women want a better, happier lifestyle, including better health and energy, but find that money is one of the biggest obstacles in preventing them from realizing their dreams.

Productivity = Knowing what matters and getting it done

Through our “Doing What Matters™” mentoring programs, you will significantly improve your entrepreneurial skills and enhance your leadership abilities to ultimately build the capacity of your business.  You will be empowered to prioritize your personal needs so you can be of maximal service to others – family, clients, colleagues…


Emerald Mentoring Program

…after only two sessions with Monique and in using her system for reflecting on goals, milestones, and priorities, I was able to visualize and articulate my ultimate goal for my entrepreneur business more clearly than ever. I could then decide on the best strategy and actions to achieve it. This led me to the successful negotiation of a merger that will transform my business – and within the time frame that I originally planned!
— Emmanuelle Champaud, President and CEO of TOTEM-Mobi

Clarity Breakthrough Session

Monique’s questions TOTALLY clarified what I’m afraid of and what I’m willing to let go of!Now I have a clear goal: to cut out all non SEO/funnels work in all 3 businesses over the next few months. This may mean hiring help or phasing myself into a different role. Then I’ll probably create an umbrella business based on what works best or what I’ve enjoyed most. What works best and what is most enjoyable tend to be the same thing.
— Laura Gabrielle, SEO Specialist

Jade Mentoring Program

I’ve tried to sort through and organize things in my head but, as an extrovert, it’s good for me to get ideas out of my head and bounce them off of someone. Once I get off the phone after talking with Monique about things, I’m ready to go. I realize I don’t do very well “in my own head alone.”
— Vada Kornegay, Founder and CEO at JiL Architects and Technologists

Upcoming Program:
Doing What Matters™ – BLB

WIF is planning to offer scholarships for personalized, one-on-one mentoring for women entrepreneurs through a new program called Doing What Matters™ – BLB (Business and Life Balance). Successful candidates will learn how to run a business with less stress, earn more income, have greater “job” satisfaction, and free up more time to spend with family and friends – guilt-free!

Topics to be covered:

  • Money – Myths and Management
  • The 3Ms of Productivity – Motive, Mindset, and Method
  • Getting over Marketing Overwhelm
  • and more…

Your contribution will help us support a woman entrepreneur in her quest to create and maintain a successful business.

Help us make a change. Donate Today!