2019 International Women’s Day Event in Paris

The Successful Woman:  Lifestyle, Legacy, and Leading by Example is a two-day event to be held in Paris, France in celebration of International Women’s Day in 2019.  It will provide an opportunity for highly successful women (C-level executives and upper-middle managers, 7-figure business owners, and licensed professionals) from the U.S., France, and other European countries to come together and explore how they view themselves and how others view them as leaders, how well their current lifestyle corresponds with their ideal lifestyle, and how they view the legacy (financial, personal, philanthropic…) they are building.

WIF’s women’s group, the L³ Alliance, will provide a safe and welcoming environment in which these women can explore the challenges and questions they have about their lives that they constantly put off because of lack of time, lack of energy, and / or fear of exposure to people who don’t “get it” or who might use their revelations against them.  Programming will include a keynote speaker, panel discussion, mastermind sessions, and dedicated time for social interaction.

Livestreaming will permit us to open this event to a wider audience, including young professional women who can benefit from the example set by conference attendees and find potential mentors to assist them on their professional and personal journeys to becoming successful women.


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